tirsdag, september 12, 2006


I am looking at the light
Nur al-qamar is showen to me
And it is shining at my face
The Messenger divided it into two pieces
with the power from Our Majesty

No person on the earth could not see this miracle,
O Mercy of All Mankind, no one is to be compared with you
Thoughts are coming into my mind
O Rasûlûllâh, nor is the moon more beautiful than you
Your face shine as the fullmoon,
O Beloved of Allah
O Beloved of Abdullah, Amina and Halîma
O Beloved of the entire mankind
O my Beloved
When will the day come when I will see you?

Ya Rasulullah, what if I loose all my wealth and family?
What if I become blind and deaf?
What if I am taken the blessing of having
my eyes, arms, hands, legs, feet and my body?
When I can’t see you, What can I use all of this for?
Al-hamdu lillah, I thank The Almighty Lord,
For all these blessings;
that I can read about you and see your home with my sight
that I can recite praises for you with my voice
that I can listen the praises with my ears
that I write praises for you with my hands
that I can walk into your home with my feets

My soul has open its doors towards my heart and mind
A bridge has been established to connect them

My soul was reciting
La illaha illallah Muhammad ar-Rasulullâh

Now with the blessing of Allah
My soul, heart and mind is reciting nothing else
but praises to you, HabibAllah

The Moon is invisible now, ya RasulAllah
The shining moon has disappeared
but you, my master, ya RasulAllah
You will never disappear
from the soul of my heart
from the soul of my soul

Even the love wants you O HabibAllah
As long as I’ve got a soul, ya Rasul Allah
Till that day I will be loving you

As-salâtu wa as-salâmu ‘alayka yâ Sayyidi yâ Muhammad ar-Rasûlullâhi al-habîb
O Allah bless our beloved Muhammad, O Allah shower mercy upon his family and companions and those who follows him

Wa sallallahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa sallim

© Maryam Khan