You are like the full moon, nay you are brighter
Your face is like fine water that drips
O Ornament of the World, O Aim of Hopes
Who has ever perceived a face such as yours?
No descendant of Eve from the essence of Adam
And none in the Eternal Heavens is similar to you
Your first is the sun, your second a star
The circular and luminous full moon is your third
And your fourth is camphor, your fifth ambergris
Corundum your sixth, the rest of you gems
Your five fingers refers to five tidings
They aim at the signs, so observe
Your middle finger is Abu Bakr, ‘Umar the ring finger
‘Uthman the smallest finger, ‘Ali the thumb
His forefinger is the seal of the Messengers, Muhammad
And that is none else save a Prophet, purified
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and the Ka’abah is my Qiblah
My religion is more exalted and honoured than other religions
Mediate for me, Messenger of Allah, Allah is Merciful
There is no god save Allah, Allah is Great
Blessings of Allah for every day and night
Upon Ahmad, the Chosen One, the Purified
Nazam in praise of the Beloved Prophet compiled by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn 'Abdallah as-Suhaimi, may Allah bless him. Originally written in the Arabic Language, this English translation was done by Shaik Abdul Khafid.