Was it a breeze of musk or the fragrance of [the Prophet’s] Garden
or was it Layla’s smile that sent her perfume to us?
Was it a flash of lightning or the brightness of her forehead
that released the light when she showed her affection
They both have added joy to my happiness
and swept away my troubles; so my fear has vanished.
The breath of the Living One moves my heart when it comes
to Wadi Al-`Aqiq, and tears cry out.
How often we spent there, in favor,
in junction and intimacy—but time changes
And after junction I am now far from them
and news from them diminish and dwindle away.
Incessantly I think of them—tell me, messenger,
do you not have good news from them that may comfort me?
Thrilled has my heart he whose tomb is in Tayba
by the beauty it encompasses, beyond description.
Passionately loved I him before I knew of worldly love—
ask me not [how much I love him] now that I know it!
I go to sleep in his love and wake up in it
my heart knows him, my mind and my eye.
The beloved—all hearts he captivated, so they grew,
O young man, truly longing for his sight!
He is wrapped in the mantle of beauty, covered;
vestments of beauty are spread over him.
A prophet who led us in guidance on the way
and who let down a curtain indescribable
Upon the faults of those of us who are at fault, out of mercy.
He shows compassion for the disobedient among us, and clemency.
No other apostle resembles him in character and physiognomy;
this is a special grant of favor from his Lord.
If Abraham is distinguished by friendship
as [God’s] friend, [Muhammad] is characterized by love and closeness.
Moses was spoken to on Mount Sinai; Ahmed
on the Throne—above the veils he receives this gift.
The dead spoke to Jesus, Mary’s son;
but Yasin—the pebbles on his right found words.
Supreme is his rank among angels and apostles
and yet he is the most submissive of men to his Lord, the most fearful.
True! All the prophets on [the Day of] Congregation
pass responsibility for intercession to him; he takes it upon himself.
They all say, “Myself!” to mankind;
he calls out, “My community—men and jinn!
Come unto me, all you who are congregated!
The banner of praise flutters with me!”
and he is given what he wishes—so the fearful can feel safe!
God’s peace upon him—God elevated him to a rank
that cannot be surpassed and not described—
From the weak slave Majdhub who
through your rank with God becomes acquainted with you.
God’s blessings upon you, and his peace
Verily, O Apostle of God, I am full of fear!
Shaykh Muhammad Majdhub