Bestow your generous attention, O, seal of the prophets, For greatly bereaved is the world since your demise, O Rasul of Allah, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
You who are indeed last of the messengers and their seal. How can you ignore us when drowned in wretchedness and ill of fortune we are?
Through your evergreen freshness, O dearest one, grace now this world, and from your restful sleep awake, to fill us with guiding light.
Lift now your countenance from within your Yemeni shroud, for your blessed face is the very life and light of day.
Turn for us the darkness of our sorrowful night into blessed light of day, and crown for us our day with successful accomplishments.
And now do don your fragrant smelling garments, and on your head the white turban do place.
Let your dark and precious locks of hair hang down, that their shade fall upon your blessed feet.
Wrap your feet in your shoes from mountainous Ta'if and make their straps bind our souls to you.
This entire universe desires to be spread out for your feet, and sincerity wishes for the honour that you tread upon her.
Come forth from your sepulchre into the Nabawi Mosque, that we may kiss and lay our heads on the dust under your feet where you do tread.
O Rasul, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, grant refuge and help for the needy and console the hearts of those filled with love for you.
Sinners are we, drowned in the sea of our iniquity. Yet great is the thirst of our endeavour to follow your way.
You are the rain cloud of mercy and your generosity demands that succour be granted to the thirsty seeker in search of you.
How wonderful would be that day when to your abode I shall come and blacken my eyes with the dust of Medina, (May the Lord hasten that day of my arrival in Medina, to refresh my eyes with the dust of Medina).
How wonderful would be that day, when after prayers of thanks and prostration of thanks, my soul I shall fly midst the holy sepulchre?
When in loving madness, cheering heart and overflowing yearning, I shall walk around your grave and the Green Dome.
How glorious that day when from the clouds of my eyes, raindrops of tears shall sprinkle upon the threshold of your Haram and your grave.
When in joyful bliss I shall feel blessed to sweep away the dust of your Haram. And in ecstacy to remove all dust from around you.
Though dust be hurtful to the eyes, yet will your dust be a light and cure for me, and though litter be of no benefit to wounds, to me the litter of Medina shall be a perfect cure for the ills of my heart.
To your honoured mimbar shall I go and rubbing thereon my face, gone pale of love for you, that golden it shall become.
Then to your musallah and the niche to stand in prayer fulfilling my hearts desires, and standing where you did stand, wash your footsteps in streams of my blood.
Then to every pillar of your Mosque to stand in utmost humbleness. Begging of Allah the faith and rank of the Siddiq.
Indeed will the great hopes and desires of my heart, in extreme pleasure cause every candle on earth to glow most brightly.
And though now my body does not appear in your presence yet, grateful I am to Allah, that my soul is there for me.
O Prophet of Allah, sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam, frustrated have I become, dejected of my selfishness. Help you this helpless soul and turn to him your look of favour.
If your loving kindness be not showered upon us, paralysis would overtake us and vanquished shall we be.
Our ill-fate has turned us from Allah's path of righteousness. Pray you to Him on our behalf for complete guidance.
(This du'â was then said), O Allah, firstly grant us true faith in a goodly, fruitful life. And guide us, Allah, to a steadfast following in the deen.
And, that, when the terrors of Qiyâmat we meet, the Lord of the day of Reckoning shall save us therefrom in honour and dignity.
And that in spite of our numerous heinous sins, Allah shall grant Muhammad, sallallahu 'alahi wa sallam, to intercede for us, for without it we are lost.
And that you shall arrive on the plain of reckoning, while we encircled by our sins, look on as you shall bend your head in prayer, calling out, "Forgive my people, Allah forgive them."
And may through your glorious efforts and the blessings of the holy ones, this Jâmi also be included amongst the accepted and pardoned ones. Âmîn
It is related that Maulana Jâmi, rahimahu Allah, having composed this qaseedah decided to proceed for Hajj. His further intention was to stand before the Rowdha Mubarak and then to recite his poem to Rasulallah, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. When he intended to leave for Medina Munawwarah after performing Hajj, Rasulallah, sallallahu 'alhi wa sallam, appeared in a dream to the Governor of Makka and told him, "Do not allow Mulla Jâmi to enter Medina Munawwarah": The Governor prohibited him from leaving for Medina Munawwarah. However, his love and longing for Rasul, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, was such that in spite of the order, he secretly set off for Medina Munawwarah. Once again the Governor saw a dream with Rasulallah, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, telling him, "O Ameer of Makka, that man is coming. Do not allow him to come here". This time the Governor sent some men after him, to bring him back. They caught up with him, treated him most harshly as they arrested him and then cast him into jail. For at third time Rasulallah, sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, appeared to the Governor scolding and reprimanding him, "He is no criminal. All that he is guilty of is that out of his love for me he had written some lines of poetry that he intended to recite in my presence. If he does that, my hand would have to protrude from the grave in order to shake his hand. Such a thing would cause great confusion. (for this reason I have asked that you stop him from reaching here").
Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi, Virtues of Salaat 'Alan Nabi