Dhu al-Faqar is the name of this sword, taken as booty by the Prophet Muhammad at the Battle of Badr. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad gave the sword to Ali b. Abi Talib, and that Ali returned from the Battle of Uhud covered with blood from his hands to his shoulders, having Dhu al-Faqar with him. Many sources report that this sword remained with Ali b. Abi Talib and his family, and that the sword had two points, perhaps represented here by the two lines ingraved on the blade.
Photograph taken from Muhammad Hasan Muhammad al-Tihami, Suyuf al-Rasul wa 'uddah harbi-hi (Cairo: Hijr, 1312/1992).
Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah: The Prophet's Weapons and Furniture
Shama'il Tirmidhi: The Sword of Rasulallah, peace be upon him