Dûrud Awwal
Allah humma salli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammadin afdala ambiyâika wa akrami asflyâika man fâdat min nûrihi jami’ul-anwâri wa sâhibil mu’jizâti wa sâhibil-Muqâmil Mahmûdi sayyidal-awwalîna wal âkhirîna
Oh Allah! Shower Your beneficence on our Master Muhammad, the most favoured of Your Prophets and the most honoured of Your chosen persons, whose radiant life is the source of all light and who is conferee of miracles and conferee of the most glorious place (al-Maqâm al-Mahmûd) and who is the leader of the previous and the later.
Those who recite this Durûd Sharîf reach the first place before Almighty that is why it is called Durûd Awwal (first). Those who read this Salawât daily are rewarded abundantly and all their bad habits evaporate. This Salawât fetches the reciter nearer and nearer to Allah and brings forth all kinds of delight.
[A book of Salawât]