tirsdag, september 19, 2006

Durud Tunjina

Allâhumma sallî ‘ala sayyîdinâ wa mawlânâ Muhammadin wa ‘ala âli sayyîdinâ wa mawlânâ Muhammadin salâtun tunjînâ bihâ min jamî’il-ahwâli wal-âfâti wa taqdî lanâ bihâ jamî’il-hâjâti wa tutah-hirnâ bihâ mîn jamî’ is-sayyiati wa tarfa-’ana bihâ ‘indaka a’lâd-darajâti wa tuballighunâ bihâ aqsal-ghâyâfi mîn jamî’il-khaîrâti fîl-hayâti wa ba’dal mamâti Innaka ‘alâ kulli shayin Qadîr.

Oh Allâh! Shower blessings on our Master Muhammad and the family of our Master Muhammad such blessings by means of which You may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. You may satisfy all our needs. You may grant us high position and high rank and status in Your presence. And You may lead us to utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world hereafter, as You have the full power over everything. Âmîn and Âmîn the Most Beneficent.

Amîn wa thumma âmîn yâ Rabb al-’âlamîn, yâ Malik yâ Rahîm yâ Rahmân